Sunday, June 25, 2017

Stepping Stones At Arts and Crafts Cabin

This Monday, June 26, 6 - 7 p.m. in the Arts and Crafts Cabin we will be making stepping stones!

We will use broken dishes, glass gems, rocks, shells, and other found objects to layout a design and create the work of art.  Then we will add concrete mix, and in a couple days we will have our own stepping stone to place in a garden or flower bed.  I always love the great reveal after they have set up in the molds!

This project is best suited for kids entering grades 2 - 6.  $15 includes all the materials, instruction, and a bit of extra art fun, too!  Invite friends to join you for this project!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Miniature Gardens With A Story

I'm excited to offer a few miniature gardens at my studio this evening, June 23, 5 - 8 p.m.  It's 4th Friday, and I have wanted to create this little landscapes for a while.  Each garden is very low maintenance, and it fits well on a desk or windowsill.  Buy one and continue the story I started!
$12 - $15

An Enchanted Realm:  Walking down a garden path one spies a little light flickering.  The brightness draws one in.  There is miniature lantern in the midst of the garden surrounded by small rocks, shells, and sparkling glass bits.  Who is the resident?  and why did they leave a miniature bottle of pixie dust for me?  Enjoy continuing the adventure! $15

She Sells Seashells at the Fairy Cottage:  Unique shells, a fairy cottage, and pixie dust combine with a miniature plant to inspire imagination and fantastical thoughts.  What story might it inspire in you?  $15

A simple and whimsical detail

A Garden of Hope:  Up from the smooth stones, glass bits and moss arises a living plant.  This is hope manifest!  If you want to incorporate or share hope, this miniature garden awaits you.  $12

Baa Baa Black Sheep:  In this garden small soft plants act as shade trees for the sheep figures standing among the rocks and moss.  This pastoral setting invites one to imagine summer days in the countryside with sunny days and firefly and moonlit nights.  A small bottle of pixie dust and moonbeams is attached.  $15

Prehistoric Forest:  Imagine time traveling back to the age of dinosaurs.  This green stegosaurus is dwarfed by trees of the forest as he wanders boulder strewn fields.  Peak into the past and imagine how the world was long ago.  $12

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Student Art

There are amazing kids who study art with me!  I'm so fortunate to be able to offer classes and private lessons and art parties.  Most classes are geared toward grades 2 - 6, but I work with younger and older students--even adults!  I rarely take pictures of the kids, but I take loads of photos of their art.  Here are some of what my students have been making!

Friday, June 16, 2017

Art and Crafts Cabin: Mini Garden

All kids are invited to Arts and Crafts Cabin to design and create a mini garden this Monday, June 19, 6-7 p.m.  These gardens can inspire imaginations to design a fairy garden, dinosaur forest, or other enchanted realm.  $15 covers all costs and instruction.  Payment can be made online HERE  or you can pay when you arrive.  (Please email me so that I bring enough miniature plants, containers and other supplies.)


Camp Quarantine Creative Videos

So here we are in these crazy times.  It's been sooooo  looooooong since I've posted anything here.  I was waiting to get a clean...