Monday, January 22, 2018

Inspiration Market

I am delighted and filled with anticipation as I prepare for the Inspiration Market that is coming up THIS Sunday, January 28! Here is the scoop about this unique event. . .

What is the Inspiration Market?
The Inspiration Market is an event I created to share my artistic and creative process with people who are curious about what I do.  It's a great chance to put some color and energy back into your life and get out of the house.  Forget it's winter in Ohio for just a few hours!

What will we do?
You will have a front row seat to see some of the newest creations I've made.  You will have time to make a bit of inspiration for yourself or someone else.  There will be tea and cocoa.  If you see something you love you will have time to shop.  You will also learn about creative offerings of workshops and classes that will be held over the next few months.  The afternoon will wrap up with a yoga nidra for anyone who wants to participate.

What does it cost?
It's FREE!  I want to share what I'm doing with as many people as possible this year.  I want to offer you the opportunity to create and inspire along side me.  I want you to experience how amazing it feels to create and be within a group!

Who should attend?
You!  And bring a friend or two.  If you have been a loyal supporter, this is a little way for me to say thank you.  If you're looking to add some more creativity, whimsy, or inspiration to your life--this is for you.  If we have never met, but your just curious about art or art in Barberton or living a creative life, please join us.

What is yoga nidra?
It's a form of deep relaxation.  Some people call it yogic sleep because it is so refreshing and restorative.  We will warm up and breathe together for a few minutes, and then participants lie down on a yoga mat, get comfy, and listen as I guide your attention around to different points on your body.  You simply lie on the mat and relax.  If you have a yoga mat, blanket, and small pillow, bring them.  I also have yoga mats to share.

If you have more questions, email me:
I can't wait to see you at the Inspiration Market

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